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Daisy Does Downtown

Your Guide to Pet-Friendly City Exploration


Daisy is a 4yr old Pembroke Welsh Corgi who loves to explore with her humans. She was a COVID puppy and hasn’t really known a full day without her people. She came to them in March 2020 (we all know what happened then) while they were living in Kentucky and therefore has grown up during quarantine with her humans by her side 24/7.

She is well versed in travel, the best puppy places, where not to go, and more! She is excited to help you explore downtown with your furry friend, and give you much of the information her and her humans had to find the hard way. She will help you navigate locations where you where you and your pet are welcome, where your pet is accepted (but they don’t roll out the red carpet), and where they say ‘No Dogs Allowed.’

Follow Daisy on social media for more tips on exploring Savannah, featured content, visits to hotels, restaurants and shops, pet friendly activities and more!

Picture of Brighter Day Market Sign


1102 Bull St.

Image: Savannah Veterinary Emergency Clinic Sign


Open 24hrs: 912-355-6113

Image of Doki Doki interior wall


Daisy’s Favorite Ice Cream DOKI DOKI – 143 Bull St.

Image: street view of CVS - 119 Bull Street Savannah


Batteries, your charger, etc. CVS – 119 Bull Street

Test Post 2

Test Post 2

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